waf-grantees-2I recently had the opportunity to attend the Worthington Area Foundation’s annual community mixer. The WAF advisory board hosts this event to award grants to community organizations and to recognizes those who contribute to the foundation’s success. This year’s mixer was once again held at the Worthington Memorial Auditorium, a beautifully restored art deco building and true community gem.

The Worthington Area Foundation has been serving the community since 1991. In this time, they have awarded hundreds of grants, created an enthusiastic atmosphere of giving and strengthened community ties. This year was no exception as 15 community organizations were awarded over $41,000 in grants. It was a wonderful opportunity for donors to see the fruits of their generosity, and to get in some serious socializing over drinks and hors d’oeuvres. Throughout the awards event the room was buzzing with people catching up with old acquaintances and making new connections. While I’m sure the grant recipients were grateful for the financial support, it was witnessing the networking and conversation that thrilled me.

It is events like these that make me so excited about the work of our affiliate partners. While creating opportunities for giving and grant-making may be at the core of their work, the community building aspect is often overlooked. Bringing people together for a common community cause has ripple effects that can be hard to quantify but exist nonetheless.

In addition to their awards ceremony, the WAF uses other opportunities to engage the community and raise their visibility. Each summer the WAF hosts a disc golf tournament to raise funds for their endowment. All board members are heavily involved in the planning process whether it is through soliciting sponsorships, developing marketing materials or working at the event. Besides being a fantastic way to bring the community together for a day of fun, it exposes their organization to a whole new audience.

The work of the WAF exemplifies what a truly engaged group of volunteers can accomplish with a little vision and a lot of determination. It takes more than just bringing money in and doling it back out to the succeed. It takes a willingness to be a central hub, to be a connection point from which good work flows. For 25 years now the WAF has been building relationships and connecting community. Congratulations and here’s to the next 25 years!