Fall for Fundraising

An apple sits on a stack of school books in front of a a mottled grey backdropFall is in the air, the kids are back in school and it’s fundraising time! While fundraising never really stops, the end of the year is an especially important time to reach out to donors. Between 25 and 35 percent of giving takes place between Thanksgiving and New Year’s, so it is time to get cracking. Get started with these four tips:

  • It’s OK to send a newsletter in advance of your donation request. This is a great opportunity to share a project you have helped fund or a non-profit whose work you have made possible. Your supporters want to hear about real people and how they were helped, so consider how you can use grant recipient’s names, stories and direct quotes.
  • Donors save their solicitation letters and don’t act immediately. You need to remind them! Many people check their mail and then set it aside to make a decision later. A phone call or email reminder can be just the thing to get them to take action.
  • Your most likely future donors are your past donors. They know who you are, they like your work and they’ve already demonstrated a willingness to support you. If you’d like a list of donors, we can provide you a report with names, addresses and giving history. Just let us know!
  • Encourage 100 percent board giving at whatever level is comfortable. It is always easier to ask others to support something you have shown a commitment to.

And don’t forget: Give to the Max Day is November 16. This is another great opportunity to connect with potential donors. If you are planning an event or are looking for logos, letter templates, press releases, etc., the GiveMN website has a ton of resources.

Finally, don’t forget to follow up with a note of thanks. Nothing carries more weight with donors than heartfelt gratitude and appreciation for their generosity. A personal, handwritten note will never go out of style and only takes a few minutes. Thanks again for all of your efforts to strengthen your community and Happy Fundraising!